Meet Pridgen

35 Years of Leadership

Julian C. Pridgen

The work of the Lord has never escaped the hands of the Reverend Julian Pridgen. Being reared in an atmosphere of the teachings of Christ, Julian began serving in the church at an early age. His love for the church began with the Christian Education Department in St. Mark AME Zion Church in Whiteville, North Carolina. A place of humble beginnings but audacious teachings of God. The heart of his ministry was founded within the walls of this small, quaint place, yet the teachings he received allowed him to step forth boldly into the work of God. Serving in several ministries to include as an assistant Sunday school superintendent, where his love for teaching was forged.
Upon graduating High School in Whiteville, Julian joined the United States Marine Corps. Leaving behind his family, he gave of himself to his country. Serving in multifaceted roles as a leader, teacher, trainer, and director, no office he served in was minuscule, and they all required great character and conviction. Serving as an Aircraft Firefighting and Rescueman, Drill Instructor, and Equal Opportunity Advisor, he was afforded multiple occasions to display leadership, achieve and promote growth, and instill passions and values in those he served with. While serving his country, he thought it not robbery to answer the call of God for his life.
Rev. Pridgen began to perform the duties of a Pastor while serving in the United States Marine Corps. He was serving churches wherever he was stationed and doing so with unwavering tenacity and meticulous organization. He began his work as a pastor in the West Tennessee- Mississippi Annual Conference within the Southwest Delta Episcopal District, where he was ordained as a Deacon. The Marine Corps then transferred him to Jacksonville, North Carolina. In response to that move, he was transferred to the North Carolina Annual Conference within the Eastern North Carolina Episcopal District of the AME Zion Church. Here, he was ordained as an Elder.
His longest pastorate in the AME Zion Church was served at Saint Augustus AME Zion Church, Kinston, North Carolina, spanning nearly two decades. While at Saint Augustus, there was a dynamic youth and young adult ministry with a children’s church, overflowing Vacation Bible Schools, an after-school tutorial, and an outstanding music ministry. At Saint Augustus Church, the edifice was improved with the construction of a paved parking lot, metal roof, sanctuary, and education complex refurbished. There was also the blessing of an early retirement of two mortgages of approximately 650,000.00 paid in full.
Property was acquired that spanned more than an entire city block. Saint Augustus became the central location for community events inviting a diverse demographic for community meetings and other gatherings, including a very active ecumenical ministry. Now appointed to St. Mark in Durham, North Carolina, he has been afforded the privilege to invest in a high-tech audio-visual system to serve this present time. Outside of his pastoral leadership in the AME Zion Church, he also served as a Ministry Coordinator for the Duke Youth Academy for Christian Formation at Duke Divinity School. A program that has helped in the Christian formation of youth and adults from around the nation.
He worked with the Duke Divinity School Duke Youth Academy for 14 years until the program ended. He also served the Leadership Education Department to assist with the Thriving in Ministry program grant, a collaboration between Duke Divinity School and the Lilly Foundation. He served as the worship coordinator and small group facilitator for Lilly (Thriving in Ministry) gatherings in Indianapolis, Indiana.
During his active-duty service and while simultaneously serving as pastor to congregations, Rev. Pridgen obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. While serving as a pastor of Saint Augustus, he entered seminary training at Duke Divinity School in Durham, North Carolina. He did a two hour commute for three years to complete the Master of Divinity course.
Julian has been married for 35 years to Mrs. Deborah Register Pridgen. Together, they have nurtured two children who love God and love people: both work in human/social services. Their daughter Christian holds a master’s degree in Divinity from Emory University, Candler School of Theology, and their son Julian holds a master’s degree in social work from Florida State University.